When is the right moment to write documentation? That depends on the document type. Conceptual docs, release notes, testing scripts – they all fit differently into the software development cycle
There are multiple aspects to consider when choosing the right tool for the docs. I aim to provide questions that are worth asking.
These are types of questions that I would ask on a real tech interview. Hands-on, inspired by real-life problems.
There are many reasons why an engineer should improve writing. Having more influence in the organization or scaling the existing knowledge are just some of them.
It’s all about the story that we tell to ourselves that can drive us. I felt my work was not important and not valuable until I realized it actually was a part of something bigger.
You can read how I combine Nozbe todo app with P.A.R.A method to organize my digital assets while still following Getting Things Done (GTD) principles.
To stay organized with my notes and digital resources I created a structure inspired by P.A.R.A. method and a system of Evergreen notes.
Mailjet is an email delivery service. In this post I will show how we can use this platform to deliver…